Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Jeanius Idea

As many of you know October is Breast Cancer awareness month and many celebrities and just remarkable normal people are doing their best to aid in the fight. Lee Jeans is having Lee National Denim Day this Friday where everyone is to wear jeans , you can join a team or make your own , but for all us David Cook fans we have our own team David Cook Fans Unite Against Cancer , (I'll post the link at the bottom if you want join) , you can join the team and it is optional for a $5 donation , and special thanks to Jean Vaden for posting the link to the site for me , we are right now the only two members , so join if you can. Others bringing their star power is Ellen Degeneres teaming up with One A Day Womens where she recorded personalized messages you can send to a loved one to remind them to get a mammogram "i recorded about a bunch of names" she said so you're sure to find one that belongs to the person , and also Tim Daly (Private Practice) and Chandra Wilson (Grey's Anatomy) are in charge of Denim Day , so please remember even though October is recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month , don't forget about it when it passes it's a 365 day problem and we need all the help we can to find a cure , so please do whatever you can.

1 comment:

Zara said...

This is amazing, i remember sumthing similar to this in the Maryland University in U.S.