Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Popstar , a Counrty Girl and an Orange County Girl

First that was the longest title ever written , but anyway Taylor Swift , Lauren Conrad and Hilary Duff ,grace the cover of this months US Weekly The Style Issue . The girls spill on their Fashion Idols , and favorite stores , and really they're just like us not everything is from Chanel.

Taylor loves Nicole Kidman's style and she really likes to be dressed up and her favorite stores are Forever 21 and -wait for it- Walmart. Hilary also shops at budget friendly stores like Urban Outfitters (love!) and my personal favorite Target. Lauren can also be found at Urban Outfitters , and I'm sure she dawns some of her own clothing from her own, Lauren Conrad Collection (available at Bloomingdales). These girls prove that next time you go shopping you don't have to splurge to shine like a star.

1 comment:

Zara said...

hhehe tht sure is the longest title u have ever written :P
Well, tht's really cool tht they shop from these stores i mean it's all so ordinary u know nothing like "OH MY GOD!!! SHE GOES TO THE MOST EXPENSIVE STORE IN THE WHOLE OF U.S" nayyy it's nothing like tht and tht's wht i LOVE abt these girls :)