Wednesday, November 26, 2008

David Mania

First of all sorry , that I have not posted in a while my schedule has been very hectic, but here is some stuff to make it up first both of the Davids were at the American Music Awards , Sunday , Cook performed at the red carpet pre-show and presented, Archie presented at the show , I was there at the rehearsal for Cookie's performance ,but left before the show I will post the vids from YouTube and upload my personal pics later this week I promise.

Two of the videos are thanks to the very funny Jimmy Kimmel ,and for the performance pre-show.

1 comment:

Zara said...

Hey ian as long as u give us gud stuff it doesn't matter how much time u take!!! :)

I luv the second video i downloaded it from youtube it's awesome especially when archie is asked "Does paula abdul smell gud" :P